My reward for donating to
Janet's Donor's Choice challenge was a poem and artwork by the sprogs on a theme of my choice. Well, as you all know, I'm a huge
Cassini fangirl, so the choice was easy: Saturn. And here it is: an illustrated Saturnian Sonnet by Dr Free-ride and the Sprogs:
Fair rings of Saturn, solid to the eyes,
To the spectroscope the truth displayed:
Not disks but dusts and particles of size
Encircling on gravity's parade.
Amorphous carbon laces water ice,
Which split by UV yields an atmosphere
Whose O2, H2, OH must suffice,
Though no ring-dweller breath does draw out here.
And whence these rings? The nebular remains
Of Saturn's start to banded order fit?
Perhaps a moon caught too far from its chains
Then torn by tidal force or smashed to bits?
O rings whose beauty spreads delight on Earth,
When will we grasp the secrets of your birth?
Labels: cassini, links, poetry
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