Thursday, October 04, 2007

That way lies ... loss of case?

The Russians have a whole new way of running their country - it's called democracy. And it comes with elections and so on - a raft of notions that they need new terms for. Or think they do, anyway.

Take primary elections. They have a perfectly good Russian term for that: предварительные выборы (predvaritel'nye vybory). But they've adopted a new one.


Yes. Праймериз (praimeriz). It looks masculine and singular. Of course, it's clearly a borrowed word, not morphologically Russian at all, but it looks as though it's been borrowed as a singular masculine noun. If you were presented with it in a list of borrowed words, that's what you'd guess (unless, maybe, you knew what it meant in English), because generally foreign words take the gender their form suggests, except for a very few that are masculine against the form - such as кенгуру (kenguru, kangaroo) and кофе (kofe, coffee). The former is indeclinable and the latter began life as the neuter it looks like but became masculine as it became more upscale... so it now declines like a masculine noun, and both of them take masculine adjectives and verbs.

But праймериз isn't masculine - or maybe it is; we can't tell. And the reason we can't tell is because it was borrowed in as an indeclinable plural noun. (Plurals adjectives and verbs in Russian aren't marked for gender.) So we get things like
Праймериз «Единой России» фактически сорваны. (nominative)

После этого он проиграл одни праймериз и лавинообразно все остальные. (nominative with the plural of 'one' that's used with pluralia tantum)

Каспаров выиграл московские праймериз "Другой России" (accusative)

Президиум генсовета "Единой России" обсудил в пятницу предварительные итоги внутрипартийных праймериз. (genitive)

Ожидается, что основным противником Нетаниягу на выборах в Ликуде будет Сильван Шалом, который также начал подготовку к праймериз. (dative)

История с праймериз стала свидетельством острого конфликта в руководстве РО СР. (instrumental)

На региональных праймериз по выдвижению единого кандидата в президенты РФ от движения Другая Россия с минимальным перевесом победил Гарри Каспаров. (locative/prepositional)
In all cases, the form of the word is the same.

I find this fascinating and delightful. A coworker, who's somewhat more pessimistic about these things than I am, said, when he saw the Kommersant headline Праймериз прошли незамеченными (Primaries go unnoticed): "That's how you lose case! When the markers stop having meaning!"

Maybe. It happened to English, sure enough. But I think it'll take more than one, or even a dozen, new words for that to happen to Russian.

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