Thursday, October 18, 2007

Fun and Free Rice

Via language hat, this game - fun and good for others!
Like having fun with words? Like feeding people (even if on a tiny scale)? Head right over to Free Rice and start playing. They give you a word with four possible definitions; pick the right one and they donate ten grains of rice to a hungry person through an aid agency. (Don't say "why don't they just give the rice," because the rice is funded through ad revenue which they get by hits, and each time you move to the next page of choices they get another hit and can buy more rice. No game, no views, no ad revenue, no rice.) As you get words right, you move up to higher levels; the highest is Level 50, and I've managed to stay there for fairly long periods... but then they stump me with a word like nisus (yes, I should have studied harder in Latin class) and I drop back down. I found it at MetaFilter, and as a commenter said there, "I'm sure the people who put this together had fun.. one of the (incorrect) choices for the meaning of 'cockloft' was 'womb'." I responded "Yeah, I think that's why this is so much fun: the people who created it really care about words and have a sneaky sense of humor. Most 'word game' sites use stupid words and/or definitions and pall quickly." Give it a try, but don't blame me if it eats up your morning.

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At 3:08 PM, October 18, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Great fun! Thanks for pointing it out.

At 4:56 PM, October 18, 2007 Blogger fev had this to say...

Let it not be said that Kipling never did anybody any good. "Quintal" was in "Captains Courageous" ...


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