Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Michael Clayton - George Clooney knows how to make intelligent movies, movies you have to pay attention to, movies that reward your attention with taut stories and no wasted time. This movie leaves you uncertain until the end, maybe even beyond the end, with the intriguing end credits raising more questions than they answer. Michael Clayton the man is the soul of the movie named after him, and it's a soul that isn't sure which side of the line it lives on. An excellent film - maybe not an important one, but an intensely entertaining one - and probably the best role Clooney has ever had.

DVD: Proof - excellent. When Catherine reads her father's final proof (let X equal the number of cold months...) it is tragic in every sense of the word. Gwyneth Paltrow is brilliant, and Jake Gyllenhaal and Hope Davis almost as good.

TV: House - Don't you think the woman should have been talking to her dead mother in Ukrainian? I still hate Cameron, possibly even worse now. And Carmen Argenziano is gone!!!!!!!! Heroes - I'm not sure Mohinder knows what he's doing ... but how is that new? Is Kristin Bell Bob's daughter? That would be interesting. (ps - just saw Chuck Norris selling Mountain Dew; memo to self, do not buy it.) Scrubs - Eliot is insane. And I really am not looking forward to another season of JD-Eliot unresolved sexual tension... Pushing Daisies - how does Digby know he can't touch Ned? I do like that morgue doctor; he's funny. "Flies land on me, they pay rent." But Ned's funny, too: "The plane was hijacked!" "How'd you come by that?" "DNA... ish." The program is just insane - Pidge with that parrot wing Bejeweled™ onto it... Torchwood - a deliciously dark episode. Gotta wonder what Ianto and Jack are going to do in the office with a stopwatch, don't you? And if there is something in the dark coming for Jack, it'll be disappointed.

Read: Began Murikami's Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World - once again, he does not disappoint.



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