Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Give me your papers!

Blame it on Incunabular. His comment on my post about the Riverwalk stuck in my memory and when I saw Cloak & Dagger on the pay-per-view menu I watched it. I'd seen it before, ages ago, but didn't remember it all that well. It's pretty good, though it is silly that after the tour guide says he can't take any more people, there are all those empty seats on the boat...

Those old-style video games ... boy, they bring back some memories.

But of course it has the classic error of Cold War spy movies: The Soviet guard tells the American agent "Дайте мне ваши бумаги (dayte mnye vashi bumagi)" which is literally "Give me your papers." Unfortunately, in Russian, "bumagi" is "sheets of paper, pieces of paper". It's as if the guard is demanding Jack Flack's manuscript, or possibly his notes. What he should be asking for is Jack's документи (dokumenty), his documents, or just possibly his удостоверение личности (udostovereniye liichnosti), his proof of identity. But not his "papers".

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At 7:12 PM, November 27, 2007 Blogger incunabular had this to say...

Ha ha! I caused you to watch a bad movie! Not total crap, but the climactic scene at the end was underwhelming, if memory serves.

At 12:35 AM, November 28, 2007 Blogger John Evo had this to say...

About 20 years ago I was in San Juan, Puerto Rico with my wife. She's originally from the D.R. but grew up in PR.

I wanted a newspaper and walked into a little market. I couldn't think of the word "noticia" and the best I could mutter was, "usted teine papele"? More or less "do you have paper"?

The guy looks at me for a long moment, then says "Maybe you should try it in English".


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