Monday, November 26, 2007

Monday Science Links

This weeks links to Science! (science science science...):
  • Greg Laden from Greg Laden's Blog gives us a good lesson on The Three Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Natural Selection (When you are done reading this post you should be able to: Make erudite and opaque comments to creationists that will get you points with your web friends. Write really tricky Multiple Choice Exam Questions if you are a teacher. Evolve more efficiently towards your ultimate goal because you will be more in control of the Random Evolutionary Process (only kidding on this third one...))

  • Brian at Clastic Detritus shows us some cool photos of trace fossils - Rocks and Life. (Trace fossils are not body fossils; they are simply tracks and traces of organisms preserved in the rock record.)

  • John at John Hawks Anthropology Weblog interviews Mica Glantz, who's in Kazakhstan "working on a reanalysis of Teshik-Tash [who] more closely resembles Upper Paleolithic modern humans from Central Europe than European Neandertals." Fascinating stuff.

  • Prometheus at A Photon in the Darkness talks about "mild" hyperbaric oxygen therapy for autism and whether it works, and why.

  • Chris at Highly Allocthonous talks about how the air we breathe became, well, breathable.

  • And because it's Thanksgiving, a bonus: Brian at Laelaps on sexual dimorphism and why some have it and some don't - strategies for reproduction.


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At 11:08 AM, November 27, 2007 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

thanks for the link!

one, nit-picky thing's clastic, not classic, detritus.

it's a common typo, no worries

At 2:24 PM, November 27, 2007 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

You're welcome.




At 11:58 AM, November 30, 2007 Blogger BrianR had this to say...

not a's funny how much it of those things


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