Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Week in Entertainment

TV: Caught up on some of last week's DVR'd stuff - of course I had to hold off on watching this week's till I'd seen last week's... it's almost enough to make you wish for the old days of totally stand-alone episodes with no continuity whatsoever. Torchwood: I cannot believe that BBC America censored the word "Jap". I figured there was more to Ianto than we'd seen, but ... woof, boy. And wow. Jack and ... Jack. The dance was sweet. The kiss was hot. Poor man. Cannot wait for the finale. Wow. Pushing Daisies: this show keeps on pleasing. "You would take money from blind children?" "I suppose I could pay my bills with blind kids' smiles, but their money would make it a lot easier." And Ellen Green's singing of "Morning has broken" actually brought tears to my eyes. House: I'm glad CIA doc is gone. And the movie was funny; I wonder if that's a special cut or the way they intend to run it? And who thinks that Amber the Cut-Throat Bitch and the guy Kai Penn plays (can't remember his name) are officially shoo-ins, now that House knows Cuddy wants them gone? (But I do wish House wasn't on Fox; I hate even seeing their promos, especially for the news.) Also watched Nova's Judgment Day; I thought it did an even-handed job, though personally I would have liked it to be a bit longer, with more trial scenes. I did get angry enough at people like Buckingham and Bonsall as it was, though, so it was probably a good thing. I just wonder how many people watched it who didn't already agree with the verdict...

Read: Lamb (for the NBL, review here), and The Sparrow, also for NBL, review coming on Dec 15. Ivory and Horn by deLint - how did I miss this collection when it came out? Delightful, as deLint always is.



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