Thursday, December 06, 2007

Real Snow - and snowbirds

As I said, my Russian co-worker Viktoria greeted me with a cheerful - and very Russian - "C первым снегом! (S pervym snegom - Happy First Snow!") Tuesday when we got a little spitting of flakes that didn't even stay on the grass for ten seconds before they were gone. Yesterday I said to her, "С первым настоящим снегом! (Happy first real snow)" and she laughed.


We had four or so inches of snow. It's still here today, though the roads are clear; tomorrow it will likely melt, since it's getting into the 40s.

sea grass in snow

But today was white and pretty -

leaves in snow

with some red and green for seasonal coloration -

old moon and venus

and in the dawn the old moon in the new moon's arms, caught in the trees under Venus. Not the greatest shot, but sort of Impressionist...


A rather photogenic crow sat in a bare tree in the early dawn amid the falling snow yesterday morning.


And guess who showed up, right on time? Snowbirds. Haven't seen juncos since last spring, but here they were today, bobbing around and flying off as soon as I tried to get their pictures. I have several blurry little gray and white blobs - and one dark shot (it was late, almost sunset) that came out nicely.


and more returning winter birds: a pair of blue jays! I never thought of them as migratory - this is hardly the "far north" of their range, but I haven't seen them since March. Maybe they've been around, and maybe they just came back from someplace else where they summered. At any rate, here they were, in two different trees. Nice to see them back - and the little gray bits, too.

Blue jay



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At 3:13 AM, December 08, 2007 Blogger Susannah Anderson had this to say...

Juncos are impossible. They are never still, they bounce and veer off in unpredictable directions, they never seem to be around when the light is good.

The other day when it snowed, I was having a day off at home, so I spent much of the day trying to get a photo. And the best I got was here; more or less like yours.

Except that you managed to get one on the wing; a great shot!

At 8:14 AM, December 08, 2007 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Yeah, you'd think they could eat less if they'd just sit still for a moment every now and then! Nice shots at your place, by the way!

At 8:48 AM, September 18, 2012 Anonymous Sandra had this to say...

I feel very cheeky asking this but (takes a deep breath) will anyway. I love your photo of the crow against the wintry sky. It's very evocative. I work with glass - heating, painting and shaping it until it submits! I would love to take the image and incorporate it into some small fused glass pieces I intend to do. It's a bit of an experiment....Would you be happy to allow me to use your work in this way? I would happily pay you or, if it turns out well, send you your own piece of the finished product!

Hope you don't mind me asking and I won't be offended if you say no!



At 3:03 PM, September 18, 2012 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

I'm absolutely no offended, and please do. I'd love to have one of the pieces.

At 4:10 PM, September 18, 2012 Anonymous Sandra had this to say...

Fantastic - that's really kind of you. I will attribute the image to you naturally.
It may take a while to create a finished piece as I've not tried to incorporate print with glass before, although I know it can be done.


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