Sunday, January 20, 2008

Carnival of the Godless

cotg badge
Yes, it's an alternate Sunday and that means the godless are out and about with the best of the past fortnight's blogging. The Carnival of the Godless is up at Tangled Up in Blue Guy, and it's a doozy. He's selected the ten best, and included all the rest, too, so there's more than enough reading to get you through the long weekend (or the regular one if you're not in the US).

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At 11:53 AM, January 20, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Besides being a good article, part of the reason I wanted to include your submission was that Dungy had been a hero of sorts while I was growing up. He was a star quarterback at the University of Minnesota, but in the 1970's the NFL just didn't draft African-Americans as quarterbacks. The Pittsburgh Steelers took him, but as a defensive back.

After a few seasons, he decided on coaching and became a very good defensive coach, but when teams were looking for head coaches he never got hired because it was still almost unheard of to hire a black head coach.

When he finally got his head coaching job he won a Super Bowl championship and made the Tampa Bay Buccaneers a powerhouse team where once they had been a laughingstock.

It bugged me when he tried to give all the credit to God, but it makes a bit of sense because he is a humble person. I just think he should allow himself more credit for what he has accomplished.


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