Thursday, January 17, 2008

Let it go, guys. Just let it go

This is what I hate.

Down by 16 pts, less than a minute to go.

Just let it go. You can't possibly win. Don't keep fouling people just to get the ball. You can't get eight possessions and score in 58 seconds. And that's assuming the other team won't make a single free throw.

Like UT just pushed it to 18 points ahead, and JuJuan Smith is fouled again to make it a 20 point lead, with 27 seconds to go.

Vandy, Vandy, Vandy. Let it go.

All you teams out there. Down by 4, okay. Down by 16 - 18 - 20?

Let it go.
Update: My brother tells me
As a coach you do not want your kids to give up. You want them to play as hard as they can till the final whistle. It teaches them something, and it keeps them with an attitude for the next game. You don't teach atheletes to give up, much as you don't teach anyone to give up - military, spelling bee, a tough problem at school or work, whatever. It instills a "give-up" attitude which erodes their wherewithal in the long run.......

Plus, many times in the late stages of a game that is "out of reach" in your thought, coaches are putting in 2nd stringers to give them game experience that they might not have had otherwise. And yes, these scrubs come in and look bad at times, but the only way they can play is to play. It builds for next game and next year. And it means a lot to kids who are on the team but don't get to play much. They may have a scholarship, they may be walk-ons, but what they really do all week is provide a practice team for the starters to play against in practices. Not much fun -- but just getting them on the court or field in a real game builds them up, helps them, in several ways. Every game is just not a win/lose prop - there are also ways to benefit kids, team, and so forth even when you are losing badly.
Okay, I'm not sure I see the benefit of playing hard to lose worse, and I still don't like the overuse of the "foul 'em" strategy when you're down by 16 in the last minute or two, but I certainly agree with his second point.

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