Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Toyota

Have you noticed how the people figuring out a way to get that new Toyota they've "always wanted" in the Toyotathon commercials are just ripping off their insurance companies? Of course, some of them are probably not actually going to get their insurance company to pay out. Like the guy who drops the I-beam on his old truck. Or the woman who cuts down the tree in her front yard so that it falls on top of her car.

Well, those people deserve what they get. But I just saw a new low: the guy who loops the rope around his ball-hitch so that when the ferry he's on leaves the dock his truck will be pulled off into the water. In other words, his plan is to make the ferry company pay for his new truck.

Why are so many people in car commercials such jerks?

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At 3:47 PM, January 02, 2008 Blogger John B. had this to say...

I had noticed that too. Toyota is basically advocating insurance fraud. I don't know of a legitimate way to interpret it.


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