Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Shore Birds in Two States

This is a pretty big post, I'm afraid. But I wanted to get all the photos in so I can submit this to I and the Bird with my sister's pics, too.

I spent Christmas in East Tennessee. Melton Hill Lake, an impoundment of the Clinch River, borders the east end of the city. There's rowing, a couple of nice restaurants, and walking trails. And birds. Lots of birds. These pictures were taken over a few days at the beginning of January, 2008.

killdeerKilldeer - a loud-voiced little shore bird

heronGreat Blue Heron

heron jumping off postGreat Blue Heron heading for dinner

heronGreat Blue Heron after dinner (and after I fixed the shutter speed - my shot of him eating is way blurry... sigh)

ring-billed gullYoung Ring-billed Gull

herring gull and mallardsRing-billed Gull and mallards - check out the gull checking me out

coot swimmingA coot on the lake


pekin and manky mallardA white Pekin (domestic mallard) and a domestic or 'manky' mallard

Muscovy and mallardDomestic Muscovy and a mallard - check out that size difference!
And look at the claws on the Muscovy's feet.

Muscovys, mallard, cootTwo domestic Muscovys, a mallard, and a coot

Muscovy, Pekin, cootDomestic Muscovy and Pekin, with a coot
(this one reminds me of high school - that Muscovy looks like he spends time on his hair!)

A motley group of mallards, 'manky' and otherwise


Muscovy preeningWild-type Muscovy preening

wild-type MuscovyWild-type Muscovy

And these are some gorgeous shots from my sister's late December trip on the St James River in Florida.

ibisesA tree full of White Ibises

marsh henMarsh Hen (Common Gallinule) - like their cousins the coots,
they have to run a good ways on the water before they can get airborne

darterDarter (Snakebird or Anhinga) and turtles

sandhill cranesSandhill cranes

yellow-crowned night heronsYellow-crowned Night Herons

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