Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Carnival of the Liberals

The Carnival of the Liberals is up at The Largest Minority. This edition, #59, is called Liberalism at its Liberalist. I'll let Manila Ryce explain it himself:
Before we get started, allow me to briefly explain the content of this particular carnival. As you can imagine, during this election season I received many well-written posts about why Hillary sucks and why Obama sucks. Being the great unifying force that I am, I must insist that we find some common ground in agreeing that they both suck, and that no real liberal is honestly happy with the conservative platform of either senator. This article on election madness is a must read.

Rather than regurgitate the hollow arguments of party leaders and pundits, the posts below focus on real liberal issues. No disrespect is intended towards anyone, but lets remember that this is the “Carnival of the Liberals”, and not simply the “Carnival of the Democrats”.
Good stuff. Check it out - ten excellent liberal (and excellently liberal) posts.

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