Monday, February 18, 2008

Is this possible?

I find this incredibly disturbing. In today's NY Times, Elizabeth Bumiller writes an article that is, on the front page, teased thus:
John McCain must decide how best to use President Bush to win over conservatives without driving away independents and moderate Democrats.
It's one thing if the McCain campaign thinks they can win over "moderate" Democrats (meaning conservative Democrats of the Heath Shuler ilk, since the actual moderates are running for president).

But is it actually possible that even "moderate" Democrats think another four years of what we've gone through is a good idea? Is it actually possible that some Democrats really, truly think that McCain would be better than Obama or Clinton? If you are one of those folks, I encourage you to go to McCain's website and read his actual positions, and consider carefully how close he is to Bush, the religious right, and the neo-cons and their aggressive, war-mongering politics. Look at his recent votes, on the "Protect America Act" and allowing the CIA to torture people. And then, please, either vote for the Democratic candidate - whoever he or she might be - or change parties.

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At 12:17 PM, February 18, 2008 Blogger incunabular had this to say...

Earlier in the primary season, when there was a lot of buzz about Rudy Giuliani, I asked my father (a conservative) why he would consider holding his nose and voting for Rudy when he didn't reflect my dad's conservative values. My dad's answer was a bit funny to me: He actually thought that Democrats would vote for Giuliani! Some vague notion about him being a New Yorker and middle-of-the-road. I can only guess he got this idea from Fox News or Rush Limbaugh as my dad is a huge Factor fan/dittohead. But there seems to be this thought among conservatives that Democrats will crossover for the right candidate. I think they are delusional! Especially this year.

At 7:22 PM, February 18, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

I know a self-identified libertarian who would vote McCain over Clinton, but he said he would vote Obama over McCain. So yes, there are people out there like this--and he is a very intelligent person who claims to have voted Democrat most of his life--but I think they are few and far between. I'm more concerned about whether, if Clinton gets the nomination, Obama's cult followers will migrate to her.

At 9:23 PM, February 18, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Well, in my book libertarians are not "moderate" Democrats, so my question still stands.

If Clinton gets the nomination by pulling dirty tricks with the ghost and super delegates, she will likely (and justifiably) alienate a lot of people in Obama's camp. I would hope they'd have enough sense not to vote for McCain, no matter what she does, though.


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