Wednesday, February 27, 2008

More news should be written like this

Steve Rubenstein at SF Gate has a brilliant article up called "New threat to our way of life: giant pythons":
In addition to everything else to worry about, now comes the Burmese python.

The giant snakes are slithering from Florida toward the Bay Area, very slowly to be sure, but inexorably. And they can strangle and eat an entire alligator.

The U.S. Geological Survey released a map Wednesday showing that the Bay Area has comfortable climatic conditions for the python. It also said the reptile, which prefers to swallow its prey in one gulp, is "highly adaptable to new environments" and cannot be stopped.

The snakes weigh up to 250 pounds and slither at a rate of 20 miles per month, according to USGS zoologist Gordon Rodda. They are not staying put. In fact, one of them has already slithered about 100 miles toward San Francisco.

"We have not yet identified something that would stop their spreading to the Bay Area," Rodda said.

If pet pythons were introduced into the wild in California by irresponsible pet owners, as happened in Florida, they could become established here even faster, without need of a cross-country journey.

At 20 miles a month, a determined Burmese python from Florida could arrive in San Francisco as early as August 2020.

"It would be exceptional for one animal to be that unidirectional in its movement, but it's mathematically possible," Rodda said. ...

The snake's cross-country crawl would be made easier by the large population of beavers along the way, Rodda said.

"Beavers would be a very tasty treat for them," Rodda said. "No beaver would be safe from a python."

The natural enemies of the python are lions, tigers and other large cats. There are few free-roaming African lions and tigers between Florida and San Francisco, the geological survey said. And the absence of alligators outside Florida can only help the snakes on their journey west, although it's a complicated relationship - while pythons eat alligators, alligators also eat pythons.

"A large alligator will eat a small python," Rodda said. "But we are not recommending you import alligators into California. That would not be a good idea."
Seriously. Read the whole article. It's brilliant.

And kudos to Gordon Rodda for answering those questions in the first place.

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At 2:11 PM, February 27, 2008 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

«At 20 miles a month, a determined Burmese python from Florida could arrive in San Francisco as early as August 2020.»

Faster, if they had thumbs.

«But we are not recommending you import alligators into California. That would not be a good idea.»

Hm, ya don't think?

At 3:08 PM, February 27, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

That could be the start of a vicious cycle. "What eats alligators? Get some of them!"


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