Friday, February 22, 2008

not frightened by her ability to change her mind

Daniel at Herman's Honeytown caucused in Nebraska Saturday. He makes a comment I like:
CNN also had a handy issues drop down that had a short bit for each candidate's stance. It revealed more mind-changing from Hillary, particularly on Iraq and outsourcing, but I'm not frightened by her ability to change her mind when she has more information. However, I'm more confident in Obama, who seems to form the right decision the first time, not having to change his mind.
I like this for several reasons (and I have to point out the Dennis was right the first time, too) not just because I've decided to back Obama and it's nice to see other people agreeing.

No, I like it because of this: I'm not frightened by her ability to change her mind when she has more information.

Sometimes there's flip-flopping. Sometimes there's pandering. And sometimes there's learning.

The trick, of course, is being able to tell the difference.

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At 12:40 AM, February 24, 2008 Blogger Daniel had this to say...

It was another Democrat that planted that idea for me. When John Kerry was taking a lot of guff for his flip-flopping record, his response was to point out Bush's inability to adapt after hearing new information, while he (of course) did.

And it is nice to know you have an audience. Thanks.


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