Visitors from north and south
I went on my first "bird chase" today, and it was quite successful! Lots of fun, in fact, despite the weather, which was (surprise!) cold and gray. A friend of mine from work and I went out after two rare visitors - a painted bunting and a white-winged crossbill.
Painted buntings live considerably south of Maryland - not the tropics or anything, but the Carolinas and Georgia and along the Gulf Coast. They're quite gorgeous little birds (see that Audubon shot to the right), and there is an illegal traffic in them; whether this one escaped

And indeed, there he was, sitting in the holly bush just behind the squirrel-guard cylinder on the feeder. He was looking right at us, and his red breast almost made

him look like a huge clump of berries. He sat there, fluffy and cold-looking, until the cardinal left, and then flew at the feeder, turning away at the last second when the female cardinal came back. After a few minutes he got onto the feeder and ate away, but of course on the wrong side of it, so Kurt didn't get a really good picture of him. Nancy did - but Kurt took too long trying to find the perfect shot. Still, here he is in the holly.
Then he vanished. We waited around for almost an hour, with more birders arriving, and were rewarded by his return, though he stayed in the holly this time before disappearing again.
While we were waiting we saw a lot of other birds - chipping sparrow, nuthatches, a sapsucker, and a gang of bluebirds (whose blue heads and red breasts made us, for just a moment, think they were buntings; they weren't, but they were wonderful little things just the same).
After a while it became apparent that Kurt wasn't going to get a good picture (I certainly wasn't, not at that distance). One of the other birders commiserated with Kurt - "You can't do both," he said, "watch and shoot. I don't know how many times I haven't got the picture because I was staring at the bird - and then it was gone." The bunting might have come back in another hour, but Kurt was going on a owl hunt (with cameras!) in the afternoon, so we left. And anyway, since Silver Spring is practically on the way home from Annapolis, we thought we'd swing by there and look for the other visitor: a

So we came back across the Bay and drove up to the Sligo Creek Parkway. We pulled into a side street to park (the park police have been understandably annoyed at the gangs of birders parking along the road itself; there are lots of joggers and bikers here, too). There were five or

We waited around a while longer because Kurt was hoping to get a better picture. Eventually birds came back: house finches, various sparrows, a red-bellied woodpecker, a nuthatch, and (another first for me!) a kingfisher (not to the feeder, of course; he was across the road by the water) ... and finally the goldfinches. But the crossbill didn't come back - at least not before Kurt and I decided to leave.
But we'd seen them both. It was a great day.
Labels: birds, miscellaneous, photos
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