Sunday, February 03, 2008

The Week in Entertainment

Film: The Orphanage (El Orfanato). Oh, my. I enjoyed the hell out of this movie. It was creepy - there were a couple of moments that I think made the entire theater jump (extremely nervous giggling from the teenagers next to me after the big one) - scary - entirely ungory - and very atmospheric. Wow. If it's still around where you are, definitely go see it.

DVD: More of Torchwood Season 1 with commentaries and extras.

TV: Cars - okay. Who built them? Why are they made to carry passengers? Who makes their tires? Who refines their gas? Why does the tourist have a luggage rack and container - what luggage could he possibly have? Do they have money? Why am I not surprised that I couldn't finish watching it? Torchwood - another downer episode, not that I'm complaining. Beth certainly nailed it, when she was begging Gwen to just kill her if they couldn't cure her, and Gwen said she couldn't keep any such promise: Beth looked up at Jack and said "You could." Yes, he could, and can. Ianto always had a wicked sense of humor but he's let it off the leash now. Great stuff.

Read: The Plague (see here). Started Anything Goes, John Barrowman's autobiography, but forgot and left it in the office, so will have to finish it next week, grrr. Lives of the Saints, short plays by David Ives, a rather mixed bag - be aware - many readers don't pay enough attention, and I am one of them. "Customers Who Bought This Item Also Bought: Time Flies". Which contains all seven of the plays in Lives of the Saints. Yeah. Through a Glass, Darkly, another of Donna Leon's wonderful Venetian mysteries.



At 11:26 PM, February 03, 2008 Blogger fev had this to say...

The Doctor at the Globe Theater wasn't too bad though, was he? I'm starting to think Mr. Tennant ranks with the best.

At 5:33 AM, February 04, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Yes, indeed. I didn't watch it 'cause I was out for dinner and El Orfanato, and I don't fill up my DVR with things I have on DVD. But I'm very fond of David Tennant's Doctor. Eccleston was a hard act to follow, but he did it brilliantly. Can't wait for Series 4!

At 3:58 PM, February 04, 2008 Blogger goofy had this to say...

There's a cool cinematic trailer for season 4 you can find on youtube. There's a big spoiler that's been reported elsewhere, but still, watch at your own risk.

At 7:54 PM, February 04, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Ah, I'll skip it. I hate spoilers - bad enough when I stumble across them, but seeking them out? No, thanks. But thanks anyway.


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