Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Week in Entertainment

Film: The Savages. "Do you know where he's been living? In some place called Sun City! In Arizona! In the middle of the desert! We have to go find him!" "We do not have to find him. We're not living in a Sam Shephard play." Except maybe they are ... This movie has genuine laugh-out-loud moments, as well as tearful ones. Phillip Seymour Hoffman is ably matched by Laura Linney and Philip Bosco, and this movie is damned good. Highly recommended.

DVD: The Cobbler and the Thief - visually interesting, with a fairly predictable story line. I suppose setting it in a Baghdad (even one set "in the middle of the Arabian Desert", for crying out loud) "dedicated to reason and light" made it a hard sell - I don't remember it ever being in the theaters.

TV: Torchwood. So. Rhys knows. That's going to be interesting. (Particularly as it reverberates into Jack and Ianto's relationship...) And my my, Ianto can be cold when he's angry. Woof. And both Jack and Owen, so sad over the beast's death... Good episode. Deep Impact - it didn't really move me. The Towering Inferno (the thing is morbidly fascinating). Casino Royale - I keep watching this, but I can never quite decide if it's extremely funny or not funny at all...

Read: Diary of a Bad Year by J.M. Coetzee, which is brilliant. Unlike his other books, though equally good as the best of those, with an odd narrative technique and a very engaging storyline. Really excellent. And back to Stephen Pinker's Words and Rules, which is fascinating in a good way.



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