Monday, March 31, 2008

Tom, Tom, Tom...

To add to the three I mentioned before, here are a couple more very strange spam headers. Not strange as in "I have no idea what they're selling", strange as in "Who comes up with this wording? Where do these people come from? And why would I trust someone named Tom Reed or Harlan Edwards or Newton Cooper who writes like this?" Andres Teague might have an excuse, as might Angela Pacheco, but Tom, Tom, Tom. English is not your native language, is it?)

Here are two clearly created off the same template:
Great dummy is your wealth
Big dummy is your treasure
Those must be very odd in the UK, where a "dummy" is a baby's pacifier! This one appeals to two instincts:
Enlarge your big length and save a lot of money
And so does this one, which makes me think of Blazing Saddles:
Increase your arm and save money.
And then there's this:
Get tired of loosing control in bad
That one is just infelicitous all the way around, isn't it?

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At 10:54 AM, March 31, 2008 Blogger Judith Weingarten had this to say...


I got an even better offer not very long ago. It read:

"JUDITH, you too can have a longer penis."

I was somewhat surprised :-)

Visit Zenobia's blog Empress of the East


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