Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Caramel. What a delightful movie this was. So quiet, and yet so moving - so much happens as so little seems to. I unreservedly recommend it.

DVD: Primeval - a British sci-fi series (show), two seasons (series). Well-written and -acted, with very nice special effects (same guys who did Walking with Dinosaurs). Now I hope they get the next season out sooner than next year!

TV: The Frighteners - I actually enjoyed this. It was fun. Nova... And I tell you, the number of times the narrator told us how dangerous it was - they're taking their lives into their hands! One slip and their precious cargo could be destroyed! - was ridiculous. You can't ratchet up that much tension unless someone actually dies. Otherwise, it turns funny. But Oooooo ooooo! Next week is a CASSINI show! Titan! Ooooooooo! Also, an American Masters about Ansel Adams - such gorgeous, gorgeous photographs. John Adams part three - I loved two little bits with John Quincy (interesting that they pronounce it "Quinzy"): one when he's reading a book as the battle rages above deck, and then when he asks his father if St Petersburg, Russia, will be cold, and Adams responds, "Good heavens, no, not for a Massachusetts man!" And, of course, Torchwood. Twice now Owen's already being dead has saved his un-life... I suppose it has its advantages, though I'm not sure he's really happy about it.

Read: Finished The Power of Babel - interesting if sometimes superficial treatment of languages, dialects, creoles, and so on. Good if you're new to the subject. The four Order of the Stick books - not such a huge accomplishment since two of them are, to a large extent (though not completely), what's on the website, but the other two are totally new. And good - funny and well-plotted, with good character development. Began The Grasshopper King - intriguing so far.



At 9:11 PM, March 30, 2008 Blogger fev had this to say...

So, how'd you turn out on the Which Torchwood Figure ... quiz? Inquiring minds want to know.

At 9:17 PM, March 30, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Quiz? Which quiz?


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