Friday, May 30, 2008

Girls? You're so busted

One thing about that smoking story I mentioned: this shows up towards the end.
[H]alf-sisters Ericka and Cierra said they argue over smoking. Cierra, 17, said she hates it when Ericka, also 17, smokes "Blacks."

"It is not cute," Cierra told Ericka. The girls did not want to provide their last name for fear that their parents would find out that Ericka smokes.
Ummm. Two half-sisters, same age, idiosyncratically spelled first names, same last name... I think their parents will recognize them.

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At 9:28 PM, May 30, 2008 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Half sisters, the same age? My guess is that around 17 years ago their dad got busted too.


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