Friday, May 30, 2008

I don't think so... just sent me a flier:
If you're searching for cosmic DVDs full of stars, all at out of this world prices, then take a trip to the Sci-Fi and Fantasy store for stellar titles and heavenly bargains. As you recently browsed or bought similar titles, we've selected some top DVDs to help you find great deals.
The problem comes with their selections. Or at least with the labeling of said selections. For instance, "The best of US TV" is represented by ... The Bionic Woman (the new one), and "The best sci-fi on TV" is ... The Family Guy. Sure, it's Blue Harvest, the Star Wars spoof, which I gather was well done (I don't like the Family Guy so I haven't seen it) but even so...

It's just not right.



At 6:55 PM, May 30, 2008 Blogger traumador had this to say...

It is a sci-fi dark age these days... :(

Battlestar jumped a Megalodon sized shark at the end of season 2, and has been so bad it makes my eyes bleed trying to watch any of it.

Though like you I take some statisfaction that at least the Brits still make some awesome Sci-Fi. Primeval though sterotypical is my fav these days (for obvious reasons LOL), but Dr. Who also rocks my world. I just couldn't get into Torchwood. Wasn't enough like the gov conspiracy of Dr. Who season 2 for me.

I really miss the days of DS9 or Firefly... those were good times

At 9:54 PM, May 30, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Traum! You're a Niner! w00t!

(and of course you like Firefly - you're a therapod of great good taste!)

I really like Primeval myself - it's good.


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