Tuesday, May 06, 2008

One like Putin ... I can't get it out of my head

So, there's a popular song in Russia. The band is a one-hit wonder girl band called Поющие Вместе (Poyushchie Vmeste - Those who are singing together) and the song is called (really) Такого как Путин (Takovo kak Putin - One like Putin).

The Russian makes the implied verb "want" clear even before you hear the lyrics; the title would be better translated "I want someone like Putin".

It's very catchy so be warned! There are a lot of videos of this out there - here's my favorite (so far):

Мой парень снова влип в дурные дела
Подрался, наглотался какой-то мути
Он так меня достал и я его прогнала
И я хочу теперь такого, как Путин

Такого как Путин полного сил
Такого как Путин чтобы не пил
Такого как Путин чтоб не обижал
Такого как Путин чтоб не убежал

Я видела его вчера в новостях
Он говорил о том, что мир на распутье
С таким как он легко и дома, и в гостях
И я хочу теперь такого, как Путин

Такого как Путин полного сил
Такого как Путин чтобы не пил
Такого как Путин чтоб не обижал
Такого как Путин чтоб не убежал

Moy paren' snova vlip v durnye dela
Podralsya, naglotalsya kakoy-to muti
On tak menya dostal i ya evo prognala
I ya khochu teper' takovo, kak Putin

Takovo kak Putin polnovo sil
Takovo kak Putin chtoby ne pil
Takovo kak Putin chtob ne obizhal
Takovo kak Putin chtob ne ubezhal

Ya videla yevo vchera v novostyakh
On govoril o tom, chto mir na rasputye
S takim kak on legko i doma, i v gostyakh
I ya khochu teper' takovo, kak Putin

(My guy's messed up in dirty deals again
He's been arguing, drinking all kinds of crap,
I had enough of him and sent him packing,
And now I want someone like Putin

Someone like Putin, filled with strength,
Someone like Putin, who doesn't drink
Someone like Putin, who wouldn't insult me
Someone like Putin, who'd never desert me

I saw him on the news yesterday,
He was saying the world is at a crossroads.
With a man like that you can have fun at home or going out
And now I want someone like Putin)

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At 8:44 AM, June 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

I saw a video like this with 2 super cute russian girls singing the song.

At 8:51 AM, June 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

when putin went on those warships and got a ride in that BLACKJACK,why'd he have to wear those uniforms!?

At 9:00 AM, June 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

the russian girls anonymous mentioned, is there any possibility they were putin's daughters pretending to like him?
Do pooty poot even have some daughters? @--}-- ;]

At 9:40 AM, June 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Why the hell would the girls be his dauters!!!!!!?????
I don't know if pooty has daughters,but if he does, why would they"pretend" to have amorous or romantic feelings about
him and putin ogle them back!!??
That's just sick! Go back to the doghouse, DOG!!!!

At 9:52 AM, June 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

I agree with marko ramias about the dog's comments. And what is up with that rose emoticon!?
Do ya wanna become pooty poot's son-in-law or something!!!?????

And about what raptor01 said, I think it must be a russian thing.

At 9:49 PM, June 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

they should make a song like that with evgheni malkin instead of putin

and i like raptors

At 10:15 PM, June 21, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

evgheni malkin is HOT!!!!!!!!!!


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