Saturday, June 21, 2008

Blackbirds at Dawn

It's dawn (so the pictures are a bit grainy) but the grackles don't care - they've been awake for a while already.

I'm not sure what's with the one male's face, but nobody seems to care about that, either.

Yep, leave one bag of chips out and somebody will eat it.

There's something about those yellow eyes and the way they carry themselves.

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At 7:25 PM, June 22, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

The Exterminator asked me to weigh in on this as I have a little bit of experience. The bird in the photos with the gray patch around his left eye has one of two things going on. I believe it's either a form of melanism or it's scar tissue from injuries received when the bird was a nestling. Avian melanism is fairly common and especially in dark colored birds. "Birding" magazine did a n extensive article several years ago about this and ran a number photos of grackles and other species with various patterns of blotchy plumage coloration. In the nest, competition between nest mates can be quite aggressive. Barn Owl babies have been documented eating their siblings if the parents are unable to maintain sufficient supplies of mice and voles. It wouldn't take much of an injury to result in permanent loss of feathedr growing skin cells in an area around the eyes. That soft tissue has minimal feathering anyway.


At 9:23 PM, June 23, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Thanks. (And thanks to Ex, too!) It doesn't come out well in these pictures, they're so grainy (it wasn't six a.m. yet), but he's got no feathers there, not gray ones. I wasn't sure if it was injury, or disease, or what. I hadn't thought of a "childhood" injury.

He has a mate - I saw him feeding an offspring two weeks ago. So clearly it hasn't slowed him down much.


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