Monday, June 02, 2008

Breaking News: Commute going well

I get news headlines from the Sacramento Bee. Today they had this:
Breaking News: Monday morning commute going suprisingly well
Wow, I thought. That's headline material?

Turns out they're doing major work on I-5 (I notice they don't write "the I-5" - is that just a Southern California thing?) so a mile of it was shut down in the city.

But it was an odd thing to see as a headline.

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At 1:12 AM, June 03, 2008 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Yes, it's an amusing headline.

My experience with the nomenclature is that they don't say "the I-5", but "the 5" (and "the 101", and, redundantly, "the El Camino", but not "the 280", probably because that sounds awkward). But I don't think I've ever seen "the 5" or "the 101" in the newspaper. It's an oral thing.

At 10:57 AM, June 03, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

I remember a movie on television (one of those SciFi channel things, I think it was a remake of War of the Worlds) which allegedly was set in Virginia. A woman, supposedly a rural resident, informed our hero that she and her family were going to walk west until they hit "the 40" ... No. I don't think so.


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