Thursday, July 17, 2008

Happy Birthday, Peter

Peter SchicklePDQ Bach

It's the birthday of Peter Schickele (1935)! A Julliard-trained musician who writes good stuff under his own name, he's probably most famous for his "discovery" of JS Bach's youngest son - the incomparable PDQ Bach, composer of such works as Oedipus Tex, Iphigenia in Brooklyn, The Abduction of Figaro, and innumerable shorter works. I saw Schickele in concert last year - he's still got it!

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At 4:03 PM, July 17, 2008 Blogger Wishydig had this to say...

Love him. I saw the Bluegrass Cantata about 15 years ago. Amazing. I don't know why everybody prefers J.S. J.C. and C.P.E. Bach.

At 11:03 PM, July 18, 2008 Blogger fev had this to say...

Ich gehe am Kruppel Bach hinauf!

Schickele for president. Bill Keith for Secretary of Banjo.


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