Thursday, July 17, 2008

One step forward...

The Washington Post's "Federal Insider" feature today has an example of stupid policy. Really stupid.
Although gay marriage is legal in Massachusetts and California, census officials say that same-sex partners in both states who list themselves as spouses will be recorded as "unmarried partners" -- just as they were in the 2000 census.

Census Bureau spokesman Stephen Buckner cited the Defense of Marriage Act, approved by Congress and signed by President Bill Clinton in 1996, which prohibits the federal government from recognizing as a marriage the union of anyone but a man and a woman. The law "requires all federal agencies to recognize only opposite-sex marriages for the purposes of administering federal programs," Buckner wrote in an e-mailed statement. "Many of these programs rely on Census Bureau statistics." Census officials have said the agency will retain same-sex spouses' original responses but will edit them for the published census tabulations.

The policy will, for example, require that the couple's children be listed as having single parents, Gates said. And it will cause the census to undercount families, defined as two or more people in the same household related by birth, adoption or marriage, he said.
So much for the states' right to set policy, which so many bleeding-heart conservatives insist is the way to go. And so much for any hope of accurate data.

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At 7:07 PM, July 17, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Maybe a repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act should be high on the agendas of a Democratic executive and legislature.

At 12:58 PM, July 20, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

No maybe about it. DOMA should never have been passed, and in not so long it will be an embarrassment.


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