Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Hellboy 2 - a little weaker than the original but still plenty of fun.

DVD: The Spiderwick Chronicles - I remember when I saw the posters for this; I said to my friend, "There were five of those but I bet they'll make one decent sized movie." Not a bad film at all, but they left out a lot from the books, slim as they were.

Read: Dead Heat - by Dick and Felix Francis - which was okay but not a really strong mystery. As usual the romance was very much out of the blue but mostly the story is strong enough to withstand that; this one wasn't. Plus the whole motivation was obvious, we knew the bad guy as soon as he was named, and anybody could have guessed the crime ... Borrow it from the library, don't buy it. Cosmicomics - wait for my Nonbelieving Literati post! Persepolis - excellent! Highly recommended.



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