Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What's Important 29

McCain collageTwenty-ninth in a series.

From the McCain campaign, via the Boston Globe:

McCain's advisers say that if he becomes president he would build on President Bush's decision to rely on NATO forces - which now have about 20,000 troops in Afghanistan - and would prod Pakistan to take on Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters camped inside its borders.

"There is no easy answer, but clearly Pakistan needs to do more to crack down there," said Scheunemann.
Meanwhile, out in the world, Pakistan is refusing to do as much as they have been, let alone more. Our relations with Pakistan are at their lowest since 9/11 (when almost everyone loved us, remember?), due to our habit of firing missiles across their border. This plan doesn't look so good to me.

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At 6:23 PM, July 16, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

I just had a terrifying thought: is it possible that McCain is even worse than Bush? We really need to keep him out of the Oval Office.


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