Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Did you mean ...? Because if you did, you're out of luck

Very odd. I put "fay myenne ng" into amazon's search engine and was given one book, though not one of hers (I don't get the comma in Laura Hapke's name, though. She's not "Hapke Laura" and she's certainly not "Laura & Hapke".) :
Labor's Text: The Worker in American Fiction by Laura, Hapke
Excerpt - page 283: "... Ceremony, 1986), Louise Erdrich (Love Medicine, 1984), and Fay Myenne Ng ("A Red Sweater," 1986). These writers all chronicled their own ..."
So it found an instance of her name misspelled as I had. But it also asked me if I meant to search for "baby myenne lg". (And when I corrected the spelling to fae, it asked me if I meant "the myenne lg", even though it found 48 results for her name, mostly books about Asian-American authors and writing but also her two novels...)

But neither the myenne lg or baby myenne lg return any hits at all.

I never have understood why search engines ask you if you meant to search for something that doesn't exist.

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