Friday, August 29, 2008

Not all that helpful, actually

So, I got an email from the Red Cross (gearing up for Gustav) and it had this line in it:
When a reporter from WBAL TV asked one of the volunteers what the public can do to help she said, “Pray for us and for the people in the path of the storm, and consider making a financial contribution to the Red Cross.”
Yep, t hose would be equally useful things - praying and considering.

Not to sneer at someone who left Maryland to go to Alabama and work in prepping for a hurricane landfall, because that volunteer is being massively useful, but ... I mean, really.

Now, actually forking over some cash? That would be helpful.



At 6:08 PM, August 29, 2008 Blogger The Exterminator had this to say...

Now, actually forking over some cash? That would be helpful.

No, you don't get it. She's going to pray that you fork over the cash.

At 6:44 PM, August 29, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

No, she's not praying - this is what she told people to do to help: pray.

That's the GOP hurricane prevention plan.

But like I said: she actually left home to go down and help, so she knows it takes more. Yet that's what she tells the good folks of Alabama they can do to help. They can pray.

It's absurd.


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