Friday, August 29, 2008


And not Michael, either. More's the pity.

This is a cynical, weak choice. McCain's campaign must be hoping to get some of Hillary's disgruntled followers. But Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton don't agree on one single issue. Palin is strongly anti-choice, strongly pro-gun, strongly in favor of drilling in ANWR, anti-gay rights, and pro-death penalty. Most of the rest of the issues she's never voted or spoken on, but she's an Alaskan Republican and a conservative - and a card carrying member of the "conservative faith community", a creationist who doesn't believe in man-made climate change or evolution, and whose husband works for Big Oil (BP).

She's also a young, one-term governor (less than 2 years in office) of a state smaller than many cities, from a tiny town, who makes Barack Obama look extremely experienced.

(Not to mention Trooper-Gate...)

And let's never forget that Alaska's economy is totally dependent on the oil companies - without their subsidies the state would have to actually raise revenues through taxes. She's got no serious budget qualifications, either.

It's a cynical pick, made to shore up the James Dobson crowd and maybe (in a slap at women) to grab some Hillary supporters who don't actually give a damn about what the candidate stands for as long as her gonads are on the inside.

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At 6:10 PM, October 06, 2008 Anonymous Anonymous had this to say...

Sarah Palin is not a cynical weak choice as you put it. And I am totally thrilled that she doesn't agree with Hillary Clinton. Hillary is a disgrace to women with any sort of brain.

Palin is strongly anti-choice, strongly pro-gun, strongly in favor of drilling in ANWR, anti-gay rights, and pro-death penalty. Well so are many others in the US including me. I agree with everyone of those issues.

And yes, she hasn't voted on many of the issues, because she hasn't spent her entire life in Washington sucking up to special interest groups.

I get so tired of you holier than thou types that think that liberals are all so open minded, and so much smarter than the rest of us. I have news for you, you are only as smart as the garbage that your liberal professors spoon fed you in college. Get a brain, and go research the issues. Don't just think with you head, either one.

At 6:32 PM, October 06, 2008 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Wow. You still feel like that after the past six weeks? Guess who's not thinking. No wonder you won't even use a screen name.

At 1:24 AM, October 07, 2008 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Yeh, isn't it amusing that these folks so often post as "Anonymous"?


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