Team Phoenicia wants your help
This is a bit unusual for me, but here goes. I got this request from Will, over at The Dragon's Tales:
At any rate, what I am writing about is that I have been trying to recrSo head over and check it out and help Will's team if you like. If you don't, ignore it.uit blogs into helping with my team's bid[1,2,3] to compete in the Northrop Grumman Lunar Lander Challenge. We're facing a funding short fall though partially due to a ruling by the FAA that some of our tethered flights, those that our rocket must be tied to the ground, now require a waiver to take place. This didn't exist before and has greatly added to our paperwork. This takes time away from when we can test. This means that we have to compress our testing time and drives up costs.
What I have am asking is if you would be willing to put up a post advocating what we are doing and asking if readers might be willing to contribute a small amount ($10 each, but more if they feel generous). The directions are to go to the team website (2nd link) and click on donate.
If you cannot do this because you do not feel that you either want to support the team because you don't know us or its inappropriate, please, feel free to disregard the email. I do appreciate your time that you have given in reading this message though.
Thank you,
of The Dragon's Tales
PS This is a prelude to competing in the Google Lunar X Prize[5]. The LLC is a demonstration step for some of our backers.
Labels: blogadmin, miscellaneous, science
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