Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Vicky Christina Barcelona - a nicely done movie (a bit too much narration) about a confusing summer in the lives of two young American women in Barcelona.

DVD: Life on Mars - the last four episodes. And wow. I was not expecting that ending. What a brilliant show.

TV: Caught a couple of episodes of Primeval which I went ahead and watched despite having already seen them; it's a good show. Too much of the convention (stayed up too late a couple of nights).

Read: Silks by Dick and Felix Francis. The motive was a repeat but the plot wasn't, and this was a good read. Started Кремлевская жена by Едуард Тополь (Woman of the Kremlin Wife by Edward Topol (at least I caught that mistranslation myself!) which is a pretty fast read so far - a thriller about a thinly disguised Raisa Gorbacheva getting a young female police investigator to look into the disappearance of an American psychic whose predictions for the year (1988) have all come true so far ... and the next one on the list is an assassination attempt on the "Goryachevs".



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