Thursday, August 28, 2008

Yes, but, you see...

Not to be contrarian here, but ... the rabbi who opened the DNC today missed the point. "Eternal God," he said, "may your name be invoked only to unify the country, not to divide."

But just saying the name divides, rabbi. "Eternal God" divides monotheists from polytheists and pantheists and animists and deists whose god is not a Person to whom one prays and, yes, agnostics and atheists.

And "Eternal God" is about as bland as you can get. (Of course, that Hindu who opened the Senate session just over a year ago said "the Deity Supreme", which is even more bland, and he still got howled at.) But even it has assumptions built in about the number and nature of god(s)...

It's a nice thought, that you can invoke your god to unify. But you can't. No one can. That's why no one's god belongs in American politics.

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