Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ryder Cup odds and ends

May I start by saying that I fracking hate Boo Weekley?

I did think as I was writing this morning about Mickelson's lousy recent record that actually, last year they kept putting Lefty with Tiger, and he was desperately uncomfortable. So maybe, I thought, he'll play better on a team without Woods. It looks like he is. So the missing Tiger - not really all that missed, though I'll bet no one will say so out loud.

Also, the partisan nature of the announcing is getting to me. Sure, they call it when a European player makes a great shot, and when an American makes a crappy one. But then we get this: "The score is US 7, Europe 5, and they lead in 3 of the 4 matches." Who's they? The team that needs no naming?

And one more little thing: I do like those RBS commercials. I like the guy who gets beaten by the young girl and pitches his golf bag into the water in a fit of picque - with his keys inside. I love the caddy whose golfer is bad and full of excuses, and who lines him up a foot to the right when the guy can't see the hole so he actually makes the putt. And I really adore the old guy who says, challengingly, "When I was a young man, I used to hit the ball over that tree right onto the green," and when the young guy bounces it off the tree then adds, "Of course, when I was a young man that tree was only a few feet tall..."



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