Now it makes sense
I did wonder about that "overhead projector" McCain sniped at Barack Obama about last night. Turns out it was actually money to rebuild Chicago's Adler Planetarium, the oldest planetarium in the United States - so old, in fact, that the equipment it uses isn't even made anymore.
As the Chicago Tribune says,"the money was for an overhaul of the theater system that projects images of stars and planets for educational shows" at the planetarium. But of course, that's science (and education), so of course McCain's not familiar with it.
I was so hoping that Obama would spank McCain in the debate on his 'planetarium' comment. He could have said something along the lines of, "A planetarium is a building which promotes science and science education. Evidently Senator McCain thinks that improving children's knowledge of science is a wasteful expense."
This is, or should be, a free topic to smack-down McCain with.
The really weird thing about that comment was that McCain's line only worked at all if he assumed that everyone there was totally familiar with Obama's request. Which means he had to assume that his throwaway, insulting "overhead projector" characterization of a planetarium would be accepted, and possibly even laughed at (remember in the first debate how he kept trotting out all his campaign one-liners?). For a man talking to locals in a university town, the latter is a dumb assumption, and for a man talking to undecideds anywhere the former makes no sense.
And if they didn't know what he'd asked for, then "Senator Obama's overhead projector" doesn't sound expensive enough to bother with.
It was one of several very weird moments, the cumulative effect of which was that he was sneering at Obama.
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