Friday, October 03, 2008

Stuff from the Debate that Matters (the Stuff)

Palin got General McKeirnan's name wrong. I can see it if you say, "Big deal. So what?" But she also flat out lied about what he said. That is a big deal.

She also lied about Joe Biden's having suppored McCain's military strategies until this race. For the last four years, at least, they've been on opposite sides of that policy question.

She lied about Obama's continuing to refuse to admit that the surge in Iraq has worked (heck, even Fox News admits that he has).

She dodged questions from the get-go ("With all due respect, I didn't hear a plan," was the first thing Biden got to say in response to her.). In fact, she bragged about how she wasn't going to answer the questions.

And what's with her and people and things "rearing their head"?

And she also was wacky about nuclear weaponry - "be-all, end-all for just too many people on this planet"? So we use them as a deterrent which is safe? But nobody else can have any? (India, anyone?)

She didn't break down - the debate format didn't let Ifill (or Biden) ask her to explain any of the canned talking points she made (mavericks - hockey moms - McCain is real change - surge - mavericks), and that's where she falls apart, unable to convince anyone she understands the words she's saying. But she lied throughout, she evaded questions, and her comments were a millimeter deep.



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