Tuesday, November 18, 2008

On Time - Wasting Time

Okay, I realize UPS doesn't do anything on the weekends. So this package that B&N sent out on Friday just sat around New Jersey till Monday - "3 day" means "3 weekday". Okay. But the package arrived in Laurel at 4 this morning. Did it get delivered today? Nope. Will it be delivered tomorrow? I sure hope so since I'm leaving town Thursday morning and - if experience is any guide - if they bring out after I'm gone, they won't hold the package till December and I'll have to get B&N to ship it to me again. So it would be nice if they put it on a truck tomorrow (it would have been nicer if they'd put it on a truck today).

But according to the UPS website, the answer is No. See, it's "on time" and "scheduled" for a Friday delivery (which is four days, but only. In other words, they plan to let it sit around their warehouse for two days before sending it out on the truck. And since I'm not the shipper, they really don't give a damn if I'm happy.

Things from B&N usually get here within three days. If I'd known they were gonna screw around like this I'd have just had it shipped to my father's. (I mean, for crying out loud, it's Numb3rs season 4.)

11/18/2008 4:03 A.M. ARRIVAL SCAN

11/17/2008 11:31 P.M. DEPARTURE SCAN
11/17/2008 4:14 P.M. ORIGIN SCAN

11/15/2008 11:39 A.M. BILLING INFORMATION

Tracking Number: #############
Type: Package
Status: In Transit - On Time
Scheduled Delivery: 11/20/2008
Shipped To: LAUREL, MD, US
Shipped/Billed On: 11/15/2008
Service: 3 DAY SELECT
Weight: 1.10 Lbs



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