Monday, December 29, 2008

A pack every 2.5 days...

You know, quitting isn't easy, says the woman in the "" commercial.

But you know what? Everyone I know who has actually struggled to quit smoking hates that woman. Her whining about her struggle and addiction - at about 7 cigarettes a day. Seriously. One when she wakes up, one on her way to work, one at "10 on the dot, like clockwork", and "another after lunch"... My father was on two packs a day when he quit, my younger sister (one month since a cigarette) ditto.

I'm not sure if this is a message saying "" only works for moderate smokers, or if they really think this woman represents heavy smokers...

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At 1:14 PM, December 30, 2008 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Maybe part of the message is that even if you've cut back, you should/can quit. Maybe if they showed a 3-fag-an-hour smoker, light smokers or those who've gotten down to a few a day will think it doesn't apply to them. I dunno.

Can any scenario cover everyone?


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