possibly related ...
I'm reading George Orwell's diary online. "Currently" he's in Morocco, recovering from TB and writing, so the entries are often sparse - in fact, often it's nothing but how many eggs his hens laid that day - but just as often fascinating.
They're using Wordpress to host it, and the software has some sort of algorithm wherewith it generates "possibly related" posts on other Wordpress hosts. (It also has a startingly prosaic "keyword" generator.) Often, those posts are barely related at all - possibly they also have the word "rain" or "eggs" in them.
Today's entry raised the absurdity of the "possibly related posts (automatically generated)" to genuinely capital-A heights (select the image for a larger version, or see below):

The diary entry reads:
Two eggs.And the "possibly related posts":
Finer, cool, a few spots of rain.
One of the pigeons is dead – cause unknown.
* Seven Found Dead In Duplex; Cause Unknown
* The UK is quite hot enough
* August Rains
Labels: humor
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