Sunday, December 21, 2008

UT vs Stanford

In what is sort of a rematch of last year's championship game - sort of because UT lost five seniors and Stanford only one - the Lady Vols and the Cardinal squared off tonight in Knoxville. To be honest, I thought this young UT team was going to get smacked down by Stanford, but it didn't happen. In fact, at the half UT led by 9 and had never been behind. Stanford managed a 2-pt lead twice, but pretty much it was UT until the Cardinal tied it up with 58 seconds to go. Argh. Johnson drives, misses, and is called for charging! Argh! 68 all with 23 seconds to go!


Stricklen hitting threes like crazy... Oh, man. Glory Johnson down hard - right knee really hurting her. She has to go out...

And now down by 7 with 26 seconds to go. It's "foul time!" Pointless. Worse than. Alex Fuller stands there and waits for someone to find her - and then hits her two. So Stanford is down by nine with 23 seconds to go. They took 19 seconds to shoot - and missed. 4.5 seconds and Alicia Manning hits one.

Tennessee wins #300 in Thompson-Bolling Arena (to 19 losses), 79-69. W00t!

(Just hoping Johnson is okay.)



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