Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

Film: Inkheart which I enjoyed. It's been a while since I read the book, but I think they made a good movie out of it. I do have to say, though, that the threat of "You're going to read the Shadow out of the book for me, and it'll eat your mum, and if you don't, I'll kill your mum!" is somewhat ... lacking.

DVD: Quatermass and the Pit. Not at all bad.

TV: Powerpuff Girls Rule! 10th Anniversary - a new episode! YAYAYAYAY! Poor Mojo Jojo singing "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"... My DVR let me down on House, missing the Monday episode (yes, I was watching the PPG!) And The Mentalist's Sunday episode? The DVR recorded a hour's worth of TV - 43 minutes of football and post-game... Grrr. House - Cameron? What the hell is that about? Numb3rs, good as always. Lie to Me - which is nothing like The Mentalist, nothing! - which was okay but has a couple of things that might get very old very fast, like that "radical honesty" guy, who's obnoxious and not even honest, and the whole slo-mo repetition of facial expressions. And it wasn't fun. Patrick Jayne is enjoyable. Oh, well. Leverage continues to entertain.

Read: Whispering to Witches - a pleasant YA that hanges together well and manages not to insult the reader. Finished Unaccustomed Earth - she can write. I must find more of her work.



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