Monday, February 23, 2009

The Jesus Jinx?

So the woman's going for $1,000,000 on Wheel of Fortune, and her mother, holding the million-dollar card, feels compelled to say, "I just feel, with Jesus anything is possible."

The woman didn't win the million. She didn't even win the bonus round. Not one of her letters was even in the puzzle.

Maybe her mom will contemplate this: maybe Jesus doesn't like it when you take his name in vain?

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At 8:26 PM, February 23, 2009 Blogger Deborah Godin had this to say...

I'm always amazed how many people attribute winning something to their religious figures, but I've yet to hear the losers complain that their deity let them down, or even better, knew that they'd been sinning a lot lately and chose to to hand them a defeat over it.


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