Saturday, February 28, 2009

O. M. G.

mega snakeSo I'm working on an assignment and this thing called Mega Snake is on in the background, because Michael Shanks is in it. It's a "Sci-Fi original movie" so I don't have any expectations, let alone high ones, but...

A giant snake attacks a family of some generic Southern (of course) rednecks. (They wanted this to be in Tennessee or North Carolina, since it's Cherokee country, but my god the accents were all over the place, including, improbably for a little town in either of those states, a Jamaican stoner.) Dad yells at Mom and boys to get in the SUV, but of course Mom doesn't have keys, so they end up eaten after the snake eats Dad. Which it does, because instead of getting in the SUV he stands there, yelling at the snake and swiping at it with his spatula. This is a giant snake, mind you, big enough to slurp a man down its mouth pretty quickly. Dad pokes at the snake with what looks like a pool umbrella (I wasn't paying that much attention when Shanks wasn't on the screen) and yells, "This one's for the good old red, white, and blue!"

Do the writers of these things actually think anybody behaves like this? Anybody?

(why I was "watching":)
Michael Shanks



At 4:46 PM, February 28, 2009 Blogger Unknown had this to say...

On July 4th, my neighbor was lighting red, white, and blue fireworks, shouting, "Yeah, these colors don't run!" I wanted to ask him why the colors of the French flag don't run, but I didn't.

At 4:53 PM, February 28, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

Or the Russian one ...

I always think "except from Saigon" but I rarely say it.

But fireworks is one thing. Fighting a giant snake? What the hell does it care about the flag?

At 6:34 AM, March 18, 2015 Anonymous Somerset Wedding Girl had this to say...

That's certainly one brave dad! The plot sounds a bit convoluted I have to say...


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