Friday, February 20, 2009

Referents Lost

(I'm not entirely satisfied with this. The third stanza's ... not right yet. But I thought I'd post it anyway.

Referents Lost
The benches sat on the fat slope
facing the concert that is us:
the blink of Canary Wharf,
the London Eye's diamond necklace.
We read them, and flinched, and laughed.

-- from "The Bog of Despair", Katy Evans-Bush

They climbed up all the way and then looked down
On "the jeweller's-window view of London"-town,
The Eye, a diamond necklace, and then they note
"The blink of Canary Wharf”: that’s what she wrote.

The metaphor is apt - the gleam, the light,
The glint of jewels – the city in the night.
The metaphor is apt, and yet on me
It’s lost. It doesn’t work. I can’t quite see.

I know the Eye from films and once walked by
And looked up at it – diamonds in the sky.
So too the Heath, the climb, the lights, the shine:
It mostly works. I guess the problem’s mine.

The trouble is, Canary Wharf to me
Is Cybermen, is battle, death and victory,
And Ianto's first and tragic love, whose lack
Led him to despair, and treachery - and Jack.

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