Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Week in Entertainment

DVD: Mama Mia! - I'm not sure what I expected from this, but it was fun enough. Pierce Brosnan doesn't sing very well, but that didn't really matter.

TV: House - he loves to mess with people, doesn't he? It's even really fun to watch when you don't care about them, so yay for messing with "Foreteen"! The Mentalist - I can't help it. That smile - he's just adorable. This show is a lot of fun. Eleventh Hour. The doctor says "She suffered spontaneous blindness, but nothing in her medical history relates to it." Rachel says: "Her husband had the same thing and it cost him his life." Yeah, but he was flying a helicopter when he went blind and he crashed. A bit different, wouldn't you say? Also, Rachel? When the game ranger guy says the federal government doesn't care about the environment "unless the bottom line is affected", he doesn't mean the FBI. So you don't have to chirp up, "We're not the enemy, officer." I really liked the guy's jaundiced look at her; nice touch. OTOH, I'm sick of unborn babies as medical plot devices to make us all worried about whether mom will live or not. Just once I'd like to see the baby die. Until that happens, it's fake suspense and annoying as hell. Nice show, though; this Hood's more approachable than Patrick Stewart was, I think.

Read: Finished The Interpreter of Maladies. and then The Namesake. If you haven't read Jhumpa Lahiri, do so.



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