Monday, March 30, 2009


Tonight Jeopardy! had a category called "First Lady Rhyme Time". The last clue: Julia Dent's Mother's Sisters

Anne rang in and began her answer: "What are--" She paused and laughed, then finished: "Grant's Awnts? That doesn't rhyme for me!"

It does rhyme for me, but it's funny: that's the only word with AU that I pronounce that way (well, except laugh, as Wishydig points out.). Why aunt rhymes with ant and not taunt or daunt, I truly don't know.

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At 8:50 PM, March 30, 2009 Blogger Wishydig had this to say...

well there's always laugh too.

At 8:55 PM, March 30, 2009 Blogger Barry Leiba had this to say...

Of course, for the Brits it rhymes too, but the other way: Grawnt's awnts.

At 9:15 PM, March 30, 2009 Blogger The Ridger, FCD had this to say...

I believe that's spelled "laff", isn't it?


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