Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Climate change and bird overwintering

finch and siskin
For birds, a change in flight plans was, bizarrely, in the KidsPost section of the Washington Post today.

(As an aside, I've noticed the past week or so the Post has had some good science article every day. Are they reacting to the whole George Will flap by saying "See, our reporters do science! We print it! We're not like him! Really!"? Even if 'our reporters' really work for AP, which is why no quotes.)

Anyway, it was a very nice article about the winter range of many birds being much farther north now than just a decade ago. It's shortish; go on and check it out.

Canada geese aren't on their chart, but I've noticed far more of them around this winter... granted I wasn't noticing them particularly before, but I think I would have, flocks this size. Anecdote, but still...

map showing bird wintering changes
The map and photos aren't in the on-line version, so pardon the quality of these scans.

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